Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Soaring sales of Canadian luxury homes in first quarter of 2010

The RE/MAX Upper End 2010 report notes a serious upswing in sales of luxury homes in Canada. The report highlights sales and trends in 13 major Canadian centres and 5 sub-markets. It ascribes the double and triple digit - depending on area - 12 month increase in sales to improved economic performance, increased personal wealth, immigration and foreign investment and forecasts a continuation of this trend.
High end homes start at $2 mil in Greater Vancouver, at $1.5 mil in Greater Toronto and Montreal Island and at lower prices in other areas down to $400K in St. John's.


  1. It's nice to know that more and more Canadians are able to have their own houses. We had ours last year, after 5 years of renting. We are so grateful that finally we have a house that we can call our own.

    We still continue to pay our house through home loans. Alberta has been our hometown for a year now, and my husband and I are planning to grow old together here.

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